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20 December 2011

Costume and Props

After we decided on the actor and actress we had the job of deciding on a suitable costume for them to wear on set to make it look as convincing as possible.

On set Emel is at home, she is relaxing for a quiet evening in; this being the case it would make sense to have her wearing informal costume, something casual that people wear all the time. We decided that jeans were a must as they are so common. We then thought that she should have a pink top on, having the pink top will show that she is a stereotypical woman, a damsel in distress. This will immediately tell the audience that she is in trouble. Over the top of her top would be a creamy/white coloured jumper. This is just to show that she is ready for a relaxing time at home. She will not be wearing an shoes either, this also shows she is at home.

Costume Overview:

Creamy/white Jumper
Pink Strappy Top

Blue Jeans

Bare Feet/ Socks

On set I would be an intruder, a murderer. Using our knowledge of other films we tried to establish how to portray the stereotypical murder. 

This is one of many portrayals of a murderer found all over the web. In almost every case they are wearing dark clothing and something, such as a hood that conceals their face, this is obviously so that they cant be seen. Finally, after much deliberation we decided on a costume. I would be wearing black boots, dark jeans, a hooded jumper, a coat and black gloves. As a start something dark has connotations of death and evil, this is the main reason for the dark clothing. We thought the boots would be good as they are the stereotypical footwear plus they would be easy to leave a decent footprint for the opening shot. Gloves would be wore so that the killer did not leave finger prints, this is just for realism.

Costume Overview:

Dark Coat
Dark Blue Jumper worn under Coat
Black Glove
Dark Jeans 
Black Boots


We needed many props to make the scene look realistic. It is set at home in her living room so we needed props such as seating, television, tables, instruments etc. to make it look homely. By doing this the audience wont even notice the setting as it will be how it should be. Here is a list of props used:

  • Wine Glasses
  • Table
  • Sofa
  • Pillows
  • Television
  • Guitars
  • Piano
  • Lamp
  • Cabinets
  • Book Case
  • Books
  • Ornaments
  • Rug
  • Candles
  • Knife
  • Fake Knife

All these props were used to create a realistic lounge, even if they were not all included in the shots. We made everything look how it should just incase they were shown.

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